Earn Profit with Mom's Pantry!

The secret to successful fundraising is to maximize your earnings with each sale. Mom’s offers 40% profit on most items, and 20% to 30% on more expensive items, which means that your fundraisers won’t have to sell a lot to make a lot. For example, just $100 in sales (easy to do for most fundraisers) can earn your program up to $40 in profits!

By requesting your fundraising information kit or by starting your fundraiser you’ve taken the first step towards fundraising success. As Canada’s Fundraising Specialists, Mom’s has more than 30 years of experience helping schools, community clubs, sports teams and other organizations achieve their fundraising goals. That experience has allowed us to continually improve and perfect our fundraising system to make it one of the easiest, most proven programs anywhere. Now you too can benefit from that experience.



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