How long does my order take to ship?

Once we receive your order forms, it usually takes 10-14 days until it arrives to you. Our team will work with you to schedule a shipping date that works for you.

What if there is damaged or missing product on delivery?

Please email or call us with the following: group name, seller/customer name & number, quantity and name of item(s). We will check our systems and then either replace the product or provide a refund. Our products come with a 100% money back guarantee. For missing product we recommend that you wait 72 hours, as in many cases someone else has taken the product home by mistake.

Can I use old order forms I have left from last time?

No. We are continually striving to bring you a variety of quality products so that means that products and/or pricing may have changed since your last fundraiser with Mom's Pantry.

I like both options of ordering (online & paper order forms), can we do both?

Definitely. We provide both options so that it is easy for you. Just collect the order forms and send them in to us. We will have the online orders already in our system and will add them to your overall order. Individual online payments will be credited to your account and reflected on your invoice.

What if I run out of order forms?

Please call one of our Fundraising Team Members and we will send you out more order forms OR download an electronic version from our fundraiser portal.

Is it important to have seller name/customer name on each order form?

Yes, we need this information to generate our labels for sorting and distribution according to seller/customer. It is important that it is clearly written as it ensures accurate reporting, too.

Can people make cheques out to Mom's Pantry for their individual orders?

No. Individual order cheques are made out to your group as you collect them with the order forms. Payment for the full fundraising order is then made by cheque or money order to Mom's Pantry from your organization. Individual order cheques will be returned.

How should I sort the order forms?

Once you collect all the order forms, sort by sellers last name (A-Z) and then by customers last name (A-Z). We will then number and label all products accordingly for easy sorting/distributing.

What if I receive late orders? Can I add-on to our order?

Sometimes. We will accept add-ons if they are $100.00 or more. Only the coordinator can place the add-on and it can only be done once. So collect all the add-ons, and when they reach $100 or more, fax or email them to us. Please call to let us know you will be sending them in or if you have questions.

Do I need to check the totals on each order form as they come in?

Yes. We recommend that you check over each order form as you receive it. Ensure each column total adds up and matches the Grand Total. This protects you as you will be able to ensure that the payment you received from the seller/customer matches the product they ordered.

Do I need to keep track of each seller’s orders and amount?

No. We return all the original order forms to you and include a detailed seller’s report which outlines what each seller sold and the commission they made on their sales. This will help you in allocating funds raised by each person towards the project.

Are your products labelled with nutritional information & baking instructions?

Yes. All of our products have labels in English & French with a list of ingredients, nutritional content and baking instructions.

What qualifies as a fundraiser?

Fundraising is not available to individuals. It must be for a group cause, such as a school trip, or sports team equipment. The group needs to have a chequing account.

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